Delivering High Quality Innovative Legal Solutions


Practice Areas

Our practice areas consist of subject matter experts with sufficient knowledge about other areas of practice. This allows for active collaborations and holistic approaches when dealing with clients’ matters.

Intellectual Property & Privacy

In a nutshell: Protecting your IP & tech creations, developing your IP strategy and along the way, implementing your privacy policies.

Intellectual Property or “IP” are creations of the mind. It covers a whole range of things that we see all around us, such as trademarks, copyright, designs, patents and confidential information/trade secrets.

What we do:

  • Commence legal proceedings to protect your IP rights or challenge any attempts by your opponent to trample your rights in carrying out your trade legitimately.
  • Agreements relating to use, exploitation, licensing, franchising or distribution of trade marks, patents, copyright, designs and trade secrets.
  • Disputes concerning IP issues where our involvement covers all aspects such as: injunctions, “search” or Anton Piller Orders, “seize” or Mareva Orders, raids together with the relevant Ministerial body and enforcement proceedings.
  • Non-Disclosure or confidentiality agreements
  • Merchandising contracts
  • Music artist recording and management contracts
  • Publishing licences and rights
  • Television licensing and broadcasting rights
  • Advertising, marketing and merchandising agreements
  • Franchise and contract manufacturing agreements
  • Licensing contracts

Privacy & Personal Data

With the onset of Personal Data Protection Act 2010 and the strict compliance that is required under this legislation, we provide high quality and comprehensive advice in this specialised area of law.

We assist by conducting a ‘privacy audit’ of our client – where we look into the overall business mechanisms and methods of the client. By appreciating what our clients do – we get a better understanding of the extent of use of any personal / private data of individuals that passes through the client’s systems everyday.

We put in place a strategy for the client – outlining the processes that ought to be implemented, documentation to be drafted and made part of the entity’s standard operating procedures, protocols and other checklist of things to look out for, and advisory to put things into action.

We aim to provide our clients comprehensive protection in their use of personal data.

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